La mejor opción para sorprender y regalar felidad a las personas que más quiere.


Love always wins

I love you and besides proving it to you every day, let's live a beautiful experience.

The perfect anniversary

Because every day with you I want to remember it always, our anniversary has to be magical.


We knew the big moment would come and now we are going to enjoy it.

For the best family

The family is the most beautiful thing and deserves all the happiness in the world.

A thousand thanks

There are a thousand ways to say thank you, and this is my way of letting you know it.

The best mum in the world

You're the best mum. I can't give you the moon, so here's my kiss.

The best dad in the world

I love you daddy. You've always made my life a beautiful place.

Top grandmas and grandpas

Because you have always been in my life as my favourite people.

Why not?

Because we deserve it and that's how we like to enjoy life.

An unforgettable communion

A special day deserves a gift to remember it forever.


Pase Anual para adultos en el Aquarium Costa de Almería

Aquarium Costa de Almeria adults annual pass

Give the gift of an annual pass for adults at the Aquarium Costa de Almeria where you can feel like a child again, petting manta rays or cruising under large sharks. An experience that deserves to be lived again and again.
Pase Anual infantil en el Aquarium Costa de Almería

Aquarium Costa de Almeria children's annual pass

Give the gift of an annual children's pass to the Aquarium Costa de Almeria where children can learn about the biodiversity of rivers and seas, pet manta rays or pass under large sharks.

Dónde y cómo disfrutar tus tarjetas regalo SENATOR

La garantía, la variedad y el confort de todo nuestro grupo hotelero y nuestras marcas a su servicio.

Podrá utilizar sus Tarjetas Regalo en todos nuestros hoteles, apartamentos y resorts; así como en todos nuestros Centros Spa & Wellness, en el Parque Temático Oasys Minihollywood y en Aquarium Costa de Almería.
¿A qué espera para vivir su Experiencia Senator?

Senator Hotel & Resorts
Playa HotelesCaleia hotelsSenator All inclusive ResortsSenator Hotels
Senator Hotels & Resorts es un grupo hotelero familiar de larga tradición, de carácter multimarca e internacional. Nuestra pasión e ilusión es crear experiencias únicas.
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